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EUR 33,00
antartida  (Guarda tutti gli Articoli in: UPIAR PUBLICATIONS   4 di 14 articoli )

Avistamientos Ovni en la Antartida en 1965
by V.-J. Ballester Olmos & M. Borraz & H. Janosch  & J. C. Victorio (2013)

Fotocat Report #3: A team of four researchers from Spain and Argentina has devoted six years to analyze the famous rush of UFO sightings occurred in the Antarctica between June and August 1965. An unprecedented documentation has been collected, even contacting with surviving witnesses, and it has undergone profound examination, based on a rigorous scientific appraisal and using the best available supporting technology.  

[in Spanish with English abstract and conclusions; 183 large-format pages, including the full text and colour illustrations on a CD-ROM].

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    1st edition - 2013  
    Avistamientos Ovnis en Antartida en 1965
    Avistamientos Ovnis en Antartida en 1965

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